Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Cravings   Do you get cravings?          

            Cravings are universal but there are several kinds. Most people have occasional cravings for chocolate and the late-night cravings of women during pregnancy are the targets of jokes. These days, cravings are often the result of going on a low-calorie diet.
            Nearly three-quarters of Americans are overweight or obese and there is increasing pressure from health authorities for us to lose weight. Although excessive weight gain usually takes place over years the typical dieter tries to get rid of it in a matter of weeks or months by drastically reducing calories. That causes two undesirable – and unhealthy – consequences: loss of lean body mass and cravings.
            The true objective should be to lose fat, not just weight. The weight that is lost by drastically cutting calories always includes muscle. If a dieter fails to get enough protein and exercise the loss of muscle could be nearly half of the weight lost and it’s unlikely ever to come back. Without a change in lifestyle the weight will eventually return and all of it will be fat.
            Cravings are an inevitable result of cutting way back on calories. Simply put, we are not meant to starve ourselves and nature has programmed us to resist by giving us the urge to eat almost anything. The sudden impulse to polish off a bag of cookies or a pint of ice cream is familiar to most dieters and those two examples are the worst foods with which to satisfy a craving. Skipping breakfast leads to mini-cravings, the urge to add a donut or Danish to the coffee break.
            It isn’t impossible to lose fat while avoiding cravings but it takes a little planning. The first step is to cut calories moderately, not drastically, and not by reducing the volume of food. Instead, add more fiber-rich foods to your menu while simultaneously eliminating everything made with refined flour or sugar. Eat a salad (with minimal dressing) at lunch and dinner, replace the usual pasta or potato with another vegetable and include lean protein with every meal. The protein will not only keep you feeling full between meals but will maintain lean body mass. 
            Planning includes sensible shopping; you can’t eat what you don’t buy. Always grocery shop with a list and stick to it. Stave off cravings with snacks such as non-fat yogurt, nuts and fresh fruit. The only things you will miss are the cravings.


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